
Sermons on the Eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans (Verses 1–4) is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume presents Thomas Jacomb’s exposition of Romans 8:1–4. Filled with sound, biblical arguments, it analyzes the gospel of redemption and salvation. Jacomb addresses the many controversies surrounding the text and provides readers practical insight concerning faith, holiness, and deliverance from sin’s dominion.

And in the midst of all my discouragements, (which are very many, God knows,) yet I find myself under a strong inclination to engage in it, when I consider the transcendent excellency, preciousness, usefulness of that matter which the Spirit of God lays before us in this chapter. Who would not be willing to take pains in a mine that hath such treasures hid in it? Where the breast is so full, who would not be drawing from it? I think I should not hyperbolise should I say of it, Search all the Scriptures,
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